Carpal tunnel syndrome and pregnancy. 5 tips.

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During pregnancy, swelling and fluid retention can increase pressure on the carpal tunnel, compressing the nerve. These 5 tips can help you relieve pain and numbness.

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Tip 1: Keep your hands in a neutral position in bed.

If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome during your pregnancy, this is the first and perhaps most important tip. You may notice that you often bend your hands at the wrist when you sleep. Try to avoid this and keep your hands and wrists extended. Simply being able to bring your hands into a neutral position while you sleep can help reduce the pain caused by the narrowing of the carpal tunnel.

Tip 2: Try to avoid sleeping on your hands.

Many people find it comfortable to sleep on their hands, and you may feel the same way. However, if you have carpal tunnel syndrome during your pregnancy, lying on your hands will worsen your symptoms. Instead, try keeping your hands at your sides. You can also place them under your pillow, but avoid resting your head on your hands while you sleep. It’s not that easy, but it’s worth a try.

Tip 3: Support your hands and wrists with a pillow at night.

A little trick will help you: Place a small pillow under the affected hand. This helps keep them in a neutral position while you sleep. Some people find it helpful to place their hands between the pillowcase and the pillow to maintain a neutral hand position.

Tip 4: It is better to sleep on your side than on your back.

Pregnant women usually sleep on their sides. This is also the most beneficial position for the baby because it promotes blood flow. When you lie on your back, your uterus presses on your spine, which can put pressure on your blood vessels. This pressure can also worsen carpal tunnel syndrome. So in any case, try to sleep on your side.

Tip 5: Actively stretch your carpal tunnel with curpal®.

As a pregnant woman, you obviously want to avoid carpal tunnel surgery at all costs. This is a good thing, because the symptoms usually disappear on their own after pregnancy. But you don’t have to endure the pain. With curpal® you can actively stretch and relieve your carpal tunnel. In most cases this helps to quickly relieve the pain. And the good thing about it: Using curpal® has no side effects.

curpal carpal tunnel syndrome KTS
Carpal tunnel syndrome and pregnancy. 5 tips.

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