Curpal experiences – 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® –

curpal karpaltunnelsyndrom karpal tunnel syndrom behandeln finger kribbeln


curpal is widely recommended by patients and they are ready to share their experiences with curpal. It is one of the so-called manual therapies for carpal tunnel syndrome and is considered a promising addition to conservative therapy options. Because curpal® is a completely new treatment approach for which there are no studies yet, we asked our customers about their satisfaction. 297 responded – here are the numbers.

In total, we surveyed around 350 customers between October 2020 and March 2021 and received 297 responses, including 63% women and 37% men.

carpal tunnel syndrome kts
Curpal experiences - 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® -

When asked about the duration of use, 46% said they had used curpal® for 4 weeks, 51% stated a period of use of 6 weeks, and the rest treated for 8 weeks or longer. It is important to know that the minimum duration of use should be 6 weeks.

If the symptoms are more severe or have been present for a longer period of time, it may take longer for the symptoms to subside.

How do you rate the handling?

We also asked our customers how they rate the handling of the cuff . Here are the results:

Karpaltunnelsyndrom | Curpal
Curpal experiences - 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® -

What were your symptoms before treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

12% said that they suffered from mild symptoms. 46% reported severe symptoms, which caused them to wake up from time to time during the night because of pain; and 25% reported that they had really severe symptoms before the treatment, which interrupted their sleep several times during the night. 17% of those surveyed had complaints either only during the day or only at night.

Karpaltunnelsyndrom | Curpal
Curpal experiences - 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® -

How often have you used curpal®?

The recommendation for the use of curpal® is 3 x 3 x 3, which means three times a day, for example in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, three times three minutes of treatment in a row with a short break in between. Two thirds of the users implemented this recommendation, one third treated less frequently. This group included most of the patients who felt that the treatment did not meet their expectations.

Karpaltunnelsyndrom | Curpal
Curpal experiences - 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® -

And how successful was your treatment?

Regarding the reduction in their symptoms, 22% said they had not noticed any change, 47% reported a slight improvement in their symptoms, 30% reported a significant improvement and 1% stated that they no longer had any symptoms at all after treatment with curpal®.

Karpaltunnelsyndrom | Curpal
Curpal experiences - 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® -

How old were the users?

In addition to age, we were also interested in the answer to the question of how users found curpal® in the first place. Our suspicions were confirmed here: 91% found curpal® during their research on the Internet, 2% were recommended the device by friends; 2% were recommended curpal® by a doctor or therapist, and another 5% became aware of the new method through newspapers and magazines.

Would you recommend curpal®?

“Yes, I would recommend curpal® without reservation,” said 67% of those treated, 24% gave a recommendation with reservations and only 9% were apparently not convinced and would rather not recommend the cuff. We think this is a really good result and an incentive for further improvements.

Karpaltunnelsyndrom | Curpal
Curpal experiences - 91% of our patients would recommend curpal® - writes the following about curpal


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