Linderung bei KTS: So kann eine Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene helfen

carpal tunnel splint


Wie kann die Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene helfen?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. While various treatment approaches are available, splints provide a simple but effective solution to relieve discomfort and promote healing.

Carpal tunnel syndrome briefly explained

CTS occurs due to compression of the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel in the hand. This compression can occur due to swelling and inflammation, often caused by repetitive movements or arthritis.

Wie eine Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene bei KTS helfen kann

Eine Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene, auch Handgelenkstütze genannt, kann helfen, das Handgelenk in einer neutralen Position zu halten. Dies verringert den Druck auf den Medianusnerv und kann helfen, die Symptome des KTS zu lindern.

How rails work: Splints can be particularly helpful at night because they prevent you from bending your wrist in a position that could further compress the nerve.

When does it make sense to use a rail?

Nicht jeder Fall von KTS erfordert die Verwendung einer Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene. Leichte bis moderate Symptome, die neu aufgetreten sind, können jedoch oft gut auf diese Behandlungsmethode ansprechen.

Symptoms and severity: If you notice pain, numbness, or weakness in your hand or fingers, especially at night, a splint can help relieve these symptoms.

Different types of rails

There are different splint options depending on the severity of your symptoms and your daily routine. Some are rigid and offer more support, while others are more flexible and allow for more movement.

Advantages and disadvantages of the different rail types: More rigid splints may be better suited for nighttime use, while flexible splints may be better suited for daytime wear, especially if you need to continue working or performing tasks.

Proper use of a splint for maximum effectiveness

For best results, your splint should keep the wrist in a straight line with the arm. It should be tight but comfortable without restricting blood circulation. It is important to wear the splint regularly, especially during times of severe symptoms, but also to remove it and move the wrist regularly to avoid stiffness.

Further supporting measures

In addition to the splint, other strategies may also be helpful, such as workplace ergonomics, stretching exercises, and anti-inflammatory medications if necessary. In more severe cases or if there is no improvement, further medical treatment may be necessary.

Carpal tunnel syndrome splint treatment curpal
Linderung bei KTS: So kann eine Karpaltunnelsyndrom Schiene helfen

Finally A splint can be an effective way to relieve the discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome. It is often a first step in treatment and can provide significant relief in many cases. However, it does not replace the need for medical assessment and treatment, especially if symptoms persist or are severe. Click here for curpalto find out more about effective solutions at KTS. Read ours Article on about the proven alternative to surgery.


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